URT International

玉鼎國際,獨家代理比利時皇室御用品牌Théophile & Patachou,引薦全方位嬰幼兒居家生活精品,將簡單、舒適、細緻、優雅而時尚等元素,兼容現代與古典等風格,提供質感與美感的品味選擇。

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在1994年成立,由創辦人Mr. Didier Melotte與Ms. Isabelle Thys的完美結合:承襲棉製世家對質料與繡縫的精湛工藝,以及行銷專才對時尚產業延綿的熱情創意,纂就獨有的品牌精神─高質優雅的比利時時尚。

Established in 1994 by Ms. Isabelle Thys and Mr. Didier Melotte with passion and savoir-faire, Théophile & Patachou was born to be a brand 100% dedicated to quality, brining the best to the world of babies.

堅信”Less is more”,強調所用材質、細膩設計、精緻繡縫與柔和色調,呈現簡單舒適、細緻優雅等元素,成就「100%比利時設計,100%歐盟製造」的品牌保證。

“Less is more”--Théophile & Patachou’s products represent quality, elegance, comfort and at the same time, simplicity. Théophile & Patachou is proud that products are 100% designed in Belgium and 100% EU made.



Today, a wide but exclusive collection of products of Théophile & Patachou especially for new born babies-furniture, bedding, home decoration, lighting, cradle, pram, bathing, dressing, outings and soft toys. There are no better products to indulge your babies.

專注品質的生活態度以及追求美感的生活品味,Théophile & Patachou與您共同喜迎新生的時刻,堅持傳遞這般美好與祝福。

Théophile & Patachou pursues quality and taste and wants to bring them to those various moments of your loved ones’ childhood, for we all share the belief that they deserve the best.


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